Conference & exhibition
JUNE 10-12
Tutorials & Workshops
ISC 2025 will take place in Hamburg, Germany from June 10 to June 13, 2025.
This speaker manual provides essential guidance for preparing and delivering your presentation at the conference. It includes detailed information about your contribution, which we kindly ask you to review and share with any speakers involved in your session.
If you have questions, feel free to contact the program team. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.
To stay informed about updates and important information regarding ISC 2025, subscribe to our newsletter.
Registration & Check-in
All speakers need to be registered. For any questions regarding the process, please contact our registration support team.
When registering, please ensure you use the same email address as your Linklings submission. This is essential for accessing our event platform.
If you are entitled to a complimentary pass, please wait with your registration until you receive your promo code and register as a “speaker.”
Please review the program schedule for an overview of the various event days to assist you in planning your participation.
Enhance your onsite experience at the Congress Center Hamburg (CCH) with our event platform!
The platform is designed to support your participation by helping you navigate the program, manage your schedule, connect with others, and book meetings. Login details will be sent to registered attendees via email.
For seamless access, download the app from Google Play or the App Store and explore its features in advance.
A combined Speakers and Press Room is provided for alle speakers and located on the second floor in Hall D.
Opening Hours: Tuesday, June 10 – Thursday, June 12, 2025: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Available services and support include:
- Computers for uploading your final presentation slides from a memory stick to the server. Our conference staff will transfer the presentation slides from the speakers room to your session room. Please submit your slides no later than 60 minutes before your session starts
- Technical and organizational assistance
- Refreshments to keep you energized and focused
- A quiet space with comfortable seating for preparing your presentation
- Tuesday:
- 3:40 pm – 3:55 pm: Hall Z, Hall 4, Hall F
- Wednesday:
- 10:25 am – 10:40 am: Hall Z, Hall 4, Hall F
- 3:40 pm – 3:55 pm: Hall Z, Hall 4, Hall F
- Thursday:
- 10:25 am – 10:40 am: Hall Z, Hall 4, Hall F
The research paper sessions will be held from Tuesday, June 10, through Thursday, June 12, 2025 in Hall 4 (ground floor) and Hall F (second floor).
ISC 2025 is planned as an in-person conference. One of the authors of the paper must be present onsite. For unforeseen circumstances that would prevent the chosen speaker from attending the event, the submitter/speaker is responsible for finding an alternative speaker that can present in person (a co-author is recommended). If an alternative speaker cannot be found, please get in touch with the ISC organizers and the research paper chair as soon as possible to discuss alternative options.
A research paper session consists of two or three presentations, 25 minutes each (20 minutes presentation + 5 minutes Q/A).
Every session will start with a short introduction by the session chair, who will also give the floor to each of the speakers, following their order as indicated in the program.
The session chair will monitor the timing and has the right to interrupt the presentation if the speaker exceeds their allocated time. The chair will moderate the audience questions and will close the session.
All session speakers must come to the presentation room 10 minutes before the session starts to meet the designated session chair.
For your personal presentation slot, please see the conference schedule.
Please use the Linklings submission platform to upload the next stages.
Stage 2 – Camera ready version: Deadline: March 31, 2025, 11:59 pm AoE
Please read the conference proceedings section below.
Stage 3 – Video upload: Deadline: May 19, 2025, 11:59 pm AoE
Paper presenters must submit a short pre-recorded video and answer three questions briefly. Please read our video requirements and the questions in the presentation materials upload section below.
Stage 4 – Presentation Slides: Deadline: June 6, 2025, 11:59 pm AoE
Please read the presentation material requirements below
If you missed the deadline, please upload your slides in the speakers’ room (Hall D, second floor) no later than 60 minutes before your session starts. The technicians will transfer it to the presentation computer in the conference room where the session takes place.
All materials submitted will be available to registered conference participants only and within the ISC event platform.
Pre-recorded Video Requirements:
- The video must be a .mp4 file
- The video should have a minimum resolution of 720p (1280 x 720), ideally 1080p (1920 x 1080)
- The preferred length is 3 minutes
- The maximum file size is 1.5 GB
- Speakers are encouraged to address the following three questions briefly:
- What application or domain is impacted by your work?
- What is the most important innovation in your work?
- Show one performance result or other data that demonstrates your success.
- Please read our video briefing for your online presentation (pre-recorded video).
Presentation Slides Requirements:
Your presentation must be original content created explicitly for the ISC 2025 audience. It is not permitted to submit a presentation that was previously published elsewhere.
- Your presentation must be held in English
- The aspect ratio of your presentation should be 16×9
- The ISC Group title slide must be included at the start of your presentation and cover the slide fully
- The use of the ISC 2025 background is optional
- Your presentation must include your contact details
Your presentation should be saved in PowerPoint 2019 (or lower), LibreOffice or PDF
If you would like to use your fonts in the presentation, please hand them on a USB stick to the technician in the presentation room. You remain the owner of the font. The fonts will be deleted after your presentation.
Videos must be embedded in the PPT file. Please do not link to a separate video file. Most modern video formats are supported, for example all standards (.wmv, .mpg, *.avi), that can be played from standard MS Windows 10 installed computers with Windows Media Player. Additionally, MOV, DivX, MPEG-4 und H.264 video formats can be played, too.
Macintosh users are requested to bring an already converted version of their presentation.
Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion as fully open access in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ISC will cover all publication costs to increase the visibility of the research presented at ISC and create access to a broader community.
For a paper to be included in the IEEE Xplore proceedings, at least one author must present it at the conference in person. Otherwise, the paper will be excluded from the proceedings.
Upload your research paper in PDF format, up to 10 pages for the research content (references don’t count in the page limit). If you wish to include an appendix, please add it after your references. You must use one of the conference manuscript templates provided on the IEEE website.
If any content in the Research Paper is generated using Artificial Intelligence tools, authors must transparently and thoroughly describe their use in the methods, acknowledgment, or equivalent section of the paper. Description is not necessary for tools used solely for improving spelling, grammar, and general editing. Authors are accountable for the accuracy of information provided by AI tools and for referencing any supporting work based on that information.
Please read the following IEEE websites for more information:
- Tuesday:
- 3:40 pm – 3:55 pm: Hall Z, Hall 4, Hall F
- Wednesday:
- 10:25 am – 10:40 am: Hall Z, Hall 4, Hall F
- 3:40 pm – 3:55 pm: Hall Z, Hall 4, Hall F
- Thursday:
- 10:25 am – 10:40 am: Hall Z, Hall 4, Hall F
The posters will be on display from Tuesday, June 10 afternoon, through Thursday, June 12, 2025 in Foyer D-G (second floor).
The poster reception will be held on Wednesday, June 11, 2025, 2:15 – 4:15 pm at Foyer D-G.
ISC 2025 is planned as an in-person conference. One of the authors of the poster must be present onsite. For unforeseen circumstances that would prevent the chosen speaker from attending the event, the submitter/speaker is responsible for finding an alternative speaker that can present in person (a co-author is recommended). If an alternative speaker cannot be found, please get in touch with the ISC organizers and the research poster chair as soon as possible to discuss alternative options.
Session Information
Every accepted research poster includes a one-minute introduction (poster pitch) on Wednesday, June 11, 2025, 1:30 – 2:15 pm in Hall E.
Each research poster presenter has one minute to motivate the audience to visit their poster at the poster reception.
The session will start with an introduction by the session chair, who will give the floor to each speaker. The conference organizers will prepare a title slide for each poster.
The chair will monitor the timing strictly and has the right to interrupt if the speaker exceeds the allocated time.
The winners of the research poster awards will be announced at the end of the session.
All session speakers are requested to come to the presentation room at 1:25 pm at the latest.
Poster Gallery
The Research Poster PDFs are available to registered conference attendees via the ISC event platform.
Poster Reception
The poster reception will be held on Wednesday, June 11, 2025 2:15 – 4:15 pm at Foyer D-G. Food and drinks will be provided.
The poster reception will give special attention to the posters, to allow interaction between poster authors and ISC participants. Poster authors must be present during the entire reception.
Registration and promo Codes
Poster Handling Onsite
Posters must be mounted between 8:30 am and 12:30 pm on Tuesday, June 10, 2025 and should remain mounted until 4 pm on Thursday, June 12, 2025. This allows conference attendees to visit posters outside the poster reception.
Poster presenters are personally responsible for producing, setting up, and removing their posters.
The useable area of the boards provided at ISC 2025 is 950mm x 2380mm (37.4” x 93.7”). The final poster may not exceed A0 portrait paper size (841 mm x 1189 mm/33.1” x 46.8”).
Each poster presenter may only use one side of the poster board. Please bring your poster to Foyer D-G (second floor) and attach it to the poster board with the corresponding poster number on Tuesday, June 10, 2025, between 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. The ISC organizers will provide poster boards, numbers, topic areas, tape, etc., and there will be someone around to help poster presenters set up their posters.
Print Service
The ISC 2025 official printing services partner, Data2000 GmbH, is your point of contact for all copy and printing services leading up to and through ISC 2025. They offer printing, copying, binding, and post-printing services. To benefit from the 25% pre-order discount, you must place your order by May 27, 2025 for digital printing. (A0 poster portrait: € 47,60 including VAT). Please get in touch with Data2000 (isc@data2000.de) for advance orders. Orders placed on-site are more costly. To save time and money, place your orders as early as possible!
The poster submitted to Data2000 should be saved as pdf document based on your poster size (A0 portrait). Files can be transferred via email or WeTansfer. For invoicing, a full address of the invoice recipient must be provided to Data2000.
You can pick up your printed poster at the speakers’ room (Hall D, second floor) on June 10 between 8:00 am and 12:30 pm.
Submission Process and deadlines
Please use the Linklings submission platform to upload the next stage.
Stage 2 – Poster PDF due: May 19, 2025, 11:59 pm AoE
Presentation materials
The Poster PDF will only be available to registered conference participants and within the ISC event platform.
The posters will be on display from Tuesday, June 10 afternoon, through Thursday, June 12, 2025 in Foyer D-G (second floor).
The poster reception will be held on Wednesday, June 11, 2025, 2:15 – 4:15 pm at Foyer D-G.
ISC 2025 is planned as an in-person conference. One of the authors of the poster must be present onsite. For unforeseen circumstances that would prevent the chosen speaker from attending the event, the submitter/speaker is responsible for finding an alternative speaker that can present in person (a co-author is recommended). If an alternative speaker cannot be found, please get in touch with the ISC organizers and the research poster chair as soon as possible to discuss alternative options.
Poster Gallery
The Project Poster PDFs are available to registered conference attendees via the ISC event platform.
Poster Reception
The poster reception will be held on Wednesday, June 11, 2025 2:15 – 4:15 pm at Foyer D-G. Food and drinks will be provided.
The poster reception will give special attention to the posters, to allow interaction between poster authors and ISC participants. Poster authors must be present during the entire reception.
Poster Handling Onsite
Posters must be mounted between 8:30 am and 12:30 pm on Tuesday, June 10, 2025 and should remain mounted until 4 pm on Thursday, June 12, 2025. This allows conference attendees to visit posters outside the poster reception.
Poster presenters are personally responsible for producing, setting up, and removing their posters.
The useable area of the boards provided at ISC 2025 is 950mm x 2380mm (37.4” x 93.7”). The final poster may not exceed A0 portrait paper size (841 mm x 1189 mm/33.1” x 46.8”).
Each poster presenter may only use one side of the poster board.
Please bring your poster to Foyer D-G (second floor) and attach it to the poster board with the corresponding poster number on Tuesday, June 10, 2025, between 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. The ISC organizers will provide poster boards, numbers, topic areas, tape, etc., and there will be someone around to help poster presenters set up their posters.
Print Service
The ISC 2025 official printing services partner, Data2000 GmbH, is your point of contact for all copy and printing services leading up to and through ISC 2025. They offer printing, copying, binding, and post-printing services. To benefit from the 25% pre-order discount, you must place your order by May 27, 2025 for digital printing. (A0 poster portrait: € 47,60 including VAT). Please get in touch with Data2000 (isc@data2000.de) for advance orders. Orders placed on-site are more costly. To save time and money, place your orders as early as possible!
The poster submitted to Data2000 should be saved as pdf document based on your poster size (A0 portrait). Files can be transferred via email or WeTansfer. For invoicing, a full address of the invoice recipient must be provided to Data2000.
You can pick up your printed poster at the speakers’ room (Hall D, second floor) on June 10 between 8:00 am and 12:30 pm.
Submission process and deadlines
Please use the Linklings submission platform to upload the next stage.
Stage 2 – Poster PDF due: May 19, 2025, 11:59 pm AoE
presentation materials
The Poster PDF will only be available to registered conference participants and within the ISC event platform.
The posters will be on display from Tuesday, June 10 afternoon, through Thursday, June 12, 2025 in Foyer D-G (second floor).
The poster reception will be held on Wednesday, June 11, 2025, 2:15 – 4:15 pm at Foyer D-G.
ISC 2025 is planned as an in-person conference. One of the authors of the poster must be present onsite. For unforeseen circumstances that would prevent the chosen speaker from attending the event, the submitter/speaker is responsible for finding an alternative speaker that can present in person (a co-author is recommended). If an alternative speaker cannot be found, please get in touch with the ISC organizers and the research poster chair as soon as possible to discuss alternative options.
Session information
Every accepted research poster includes a 1.5-minute introduction (poster pitch) on Wednesday, June 11, 2025, 1:00 – 1:30 pm in Hall E.
Each poster presenter has 1.5 minute to motivate the audience to visit their poster at the poster reception.
The session will start with an introduction by the session chair, who will give the floor to each speaker. The conference organizers will prepare a title slide for each poster.
The chair will monitor the timing strictly and has the right to interrupt if the speaker exceeds the allocated time.
All session speakers are requested to come to the presentation room at 1:10 pm at the latest.
Poster Gallery
The Women in HPC poster PDFs are available to registered conference attendees via the ISC event platform.
Poster Reception
The poster reception will be held on Wednesday, June 11, 2025 2:15 – 4:15 pm at Foyer D-G. Food and drinks will be provided.
The poster reception will give special attention to the posters, to allow interaction between poster authors and ISC participants. Poster authors must be present during the entire reception.
Poster Handling onsite
Posters must be mounted between 8:30 am and 12:30 pm on Tuesday, June 10, 2025 and should remain mounted until 4 pm on Thursday, June 12, 2025. This allows conference attendees to visit posters outside the poster reception.
Poster presenters are personally responsible for producing, setting up, and removing their posters.
The useable area of the boards provided at ISC 2025 is 950mm x 2380mm (37.4” x 93.7”). The final poster may not exceed A0 portrait paper size (841 mm x 1189 mm/33.1” x 46.8”).
Each poster presenter may only use one side of the poster board.
Please bring your poster to Foyer D-G (second floor) and attach it to the poster board with the corresponding poster number on Tuesday, June 10, 2025, between 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. The ISC organizers will provide poster boards, numbers, topic areas, tape, etc., and there will be someone around to help poster presenters set up their posters.
Print Service
The ISC 2025 official printing services partner, Data2000 GmbH, is your point of contact for all copy and printing services leading up to and through ISC 2025. They offer printing, copying, binding, and post-printing services. To benefit from the 25% pre-order discount, you must place your order by May 27, 2025 for digital printing. (A0 poster portrait: € 47,60 including VAT). Please get in touch with Data2000 (isc@data2000.de) for advance orders. Orders placed on-site are more costly. To save time and money, place your orders as early as possible!
The poster submitted to Data2000 should be saved as pdf document based on your poster size (A0 portrait). Files can be transferred via email or WeTansfer. For invoicing, a full address of the invoice recipient must be provided to Data2000.
You can pick up your printed poster at the speakers’ room (Hall D, second floor) on June 10 between 8:00 am and 12:30 pm
Submission process and deadlines
Please use the Linklings submission platform to upload the next stage.
Stage 2 – Poster PDF due: May 19, 2025, 11:59 pm AoE.
Presentation Materials
The Poster PDF will only be available to registered conference participants and within the ISC event platform.
Birds of a Feather sessions will be held from Tuesday, June 10, through Thursday, June 12, 2025.
ISC 2025 is planned as an in-person conference. The BoF organizer must be present at the venue in Hamburg, Germany. For unforeseen circumstances that would prevent the organizer from traveling, the organizer is responsible for finding an alternative presenter.
BoFs will not be streamed or recorded to ensure an informal atmosphere is maintained.
Session Information
Each BoF session is scheduled for 60 minutes. You are asked to stick to the schedule and allow the next BoF session to start on time.
Please refer to the conference schedule to determine your personal presentation slot.
Please ensure an interactive format and follow our tips on how to structure and run a successful BoF:
- Stick to the objective of the BoF as outlined in the accepted title and abstract. Combine short presentations/updates, community discussions, and question-and-answer slots
- Constantly encourage discussions and other forms of participation – encourage attendees to mention their names and institutions/universities/companies.
- Guide discussions if they lose focus but also prepare targeted questions in advance to keep moving the BoF on track
Submission Process and deadlines
Please use the Linklings submission platform to upload the next stages.
Stage 2 – Final list of speakers: May 16, 2025
Stage 3 – Final presentation slides: June 6, 2025, 11:59 pm AoE (optional stage via Linklings)
Please read the presentation material requirements below.
If you missed the deadline, please upload your slides in the speakers’ room (Hall D, second floor) no later than 60 minutes before your session starts. The technicians will transfer it to the presentation computer in the conference room where the session takes place.
Presentation Materials
All materials submitted will be available to registered conference participants within the event platform.
Please feel free to use the ISC title slide or presentation background in your presentation materials.
Your presentation has to be in the 16:9 format and should be saved in PowerPoint 2019 (or lower), LibreOffice or PDF.
If you would like to use your fonts in the presentation, please hand them on a USB stick to the technician in the presentation room. You remain the owner of the font. The fonts will be deleted after your presentation.
Videos must be embedded in the PPT file. Please do not link to a separate video file. Most modern video formats are supported, for example all standards (.wmv, .mpg, *.avi), that can be played from standard MS Windows 10 installed computers with Windows Media Player. Additionally, MOV, DivX, MPEG-4 und H.264 video formats can be played, too.
Macintosh users are requested to bring an already converted version of their presentation.
Room Setup and technical equipment
The seating arrangement for the BoF rooms is primarily theater-style.
New in 2025: We are introducing one room with a round table setup!
- A round table configuration in a conference room is a popular choice for encouraging lively conversations. In this room, participants will be seated at eight tables, each accommodating ten people.
- The circular arrangement promotes equal participation among all attendees and fosters open communication and collaboration in an informal atmosphere.
- To enhance interaction, consider keeping participants on the move after a specified amount of time. You can ask different questions or prepare a list of discussion prompts for each table to guide the conversation.
Technical Equipment
The conference rooms include a projector, a screen, microphones, a presentation computer (with MS Office, LibreOffice, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Firefox), Wi-Fi and wired Internet access.
For technical and efficiency reasons, we kindly ask you to use the presentation computer provided in the room.
If you need to present from your own laptop and/or have any special technical requirements for your presentation, please let us know by Monday, May 12, 2025 at the latest. Macintosh users are asked to bring their own HDMI adapters.
Feedback / Surveys
We will collect attendee feedback on each BoF session within their page on our event platform (the “Rate this BoF” button will take the attendee to the survey). Please remind the attendees to rate your BoF. The more often you remind them, the likelier they will rank your presentation.
Our feedback slide with a QR code can be included in your presentation.
ISC workshops will be held on Friday, June 13, 2025 from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm.
Full-day workshops are scheduled from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Half-day workshops are either from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm or 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
An accepted workshop must be organized and hosted onsite at ISC 2025.
ISC will promote the workshops within its regular conference publicity activities. It is recommended that workshop organizers use their channels to attract attendees further to their workshop.
Workshops will not be streamed or recorded.
Rooms and breaks
Workshop Rooms
The workshop rooms are located on the second floor, rooms Y1-Y12, of the Congress Center Hamburg. The rooms are open from 7:30 am onward. The seating is theater style.
Workshop organizers are advised to stick to the lunch and coffee break schedules. Please respect the attendees’ need for a break and also network with other attendees.
8:00 am – 9:00 am Welcome coffee
11:00 am – 11:30 am Coffee break
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch break
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Coffee break
Lunch and coffee break refreshments are available to all registered ISC workshop attendees. The breaks will take place in the Foyer 3+H (ground floor).
Registration and promo codes
Workshop organizers and speakers must register for the workshop pass.
ISC will grant one complimentary registration to organizers of half-day workshops and two complimentary registrations to organizers of full-day workshops, which they should hand over to the speaker(s).
Promo codes for complimentary passes will be e-mailed to workshop organizers around mid March. The code is valid for one half-day workshop / two full-day workshop registration(s). Please forward them to the speaker(s).
Speakers will not automatically receive the promo code. Workshops organizers are responsible for passing on the promo code(s) to relevant speakers.
Workshop Speakers
A list of all workshop speakers with their details (name, e-mail address, company, country, job title, and bio) needs to be submitted via Linklings by May 15, 2025.
Workshop organizers are responsible for informing speakers of all relevant information, particularly the conference registration details.
Submission process and deadlines
Please use the Linklings submission platform to upload the next stages.
Workshops with Proceedings
- Submission of workshop program (website): January 27, 2025
- List of accepted workshop papers: April 4, 2025
- Final list of speakers: May 16, 2025
- Camera ready workshop papers submission deadline: May 16, 2025 11:59 pm AoE
- Presentation materials: We will send you a weblink on Friday June 13, 2025 to upload your presentation slides and kindly request your cooperation.
Regular Workshops
- Submission of workshop program (website): May 16, 2025
- Final list of speakers: May 16, 2025
- State-of-the-Art Review/Summary Paper submission deadline: July 4, 2025 11:59 pm AoE
- Presentation materials: We will send you a weblink on Friday June 13, 2025 to upload your presentation slides and kindly request your cooperation.
Workshop preferences of attendees
During workshop registration, attendees can specify their workshop preference. In our experience, attendees sometimes change their minds between early registration and shortly before the event. So please treat these numbers with caution.
ISC organizers can provide the registered number of preferences for every workshop. Please get in touch with our Program Support. However, they cannot provide a list of participants upfront. Organizers will need to collect this data during the workshop by asking people to fill in a sheet.
Workshop Website
Workshop website URLs submitted via Linklings will be used by ISC organizers to link their webpage to your workshop. Please submit a valid web link (a pdf document is acceptable for workshops without proceedings) to a working workshop website with general information about the workshop and the agenda. Please include the conference logo, location and date on your website. The website does not need to be final and can be updated with more details until the day of the workshop. The ISC website and schedule will list all workshops and link to their submitted websites.
Presentation materials upload
All materials submitted will be available to registered conference workshop participants on the ISC event platform.
The organisers kindly ask you to cooperate. We will send you an upload link on Friday June 13, 2025.
Please feel free to use the ISC title slide or presentation background in your presentation materials.
Workshop Proceedings
Organizers of Workshops with Proceedings are free to publish their papers in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. There are no fees related to the publication. Workshops with proceedings must submit at least three full papers of significant scientific content, with a minimum of 6 pages and a maximum of 12 pages per paper (including a bibliography and appendices, with two possible extra pages after the review to address the reviewer’s comments). If a workshop submits less than three papers in total, it will not be included in the workshop proceedings. The proceedings will be available for complimentary download from Springer’s website for a limited time.
Please read Springer’s guidelines and technical instructions for LNCS contributions.
The Organizers of Regular Workshops are encouraged to submit a state-of-the-art review/summary paper of their workshop with at least 6 pages to be included in the conference proceedings.
Workshop organizers participating in the post-conference proceedings will receive an e-mail with detailed information from the proceedings chair. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the chair. The submission deadlines are as follows:
- Workshops with Proceedings: camera-ready deadline workshop papers: May 16, 2025 11:59 pm AoE
- Regular Workshops: state-of-the-art / summary papers: July 4, 2025 11:59 pm AoE
Technical Equipment
Please bring your laptop and power adapters. The workshop rooms will include a projector, screen, sound system, lectern, board table, and Wifi connection. The room equipment does not include laptops and adapters. The slide format is 16:9, and the projector uses an HDMI connection.
If you have any special technical requirements for your presentation, please let the ISC organizers know by Monday, May 12, 2025, at the latest. Macintosh users are asked to bring their own HDMI adapters.
feedback / Surveys
We will collect attendee feedback on each workshop within their page on our event platform (the “Rate this workshop” button will take the attendee to the survey.) Please remind the attendees to rate the workshop. The more often you remind them, the likelier they will rank your presentation.
ISC Tutorials will be held on Friday, June 13, 2025 from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm.
Full-day tutorials are scheduled from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Half-day tutorials are held from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (morning) or 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm (afternoon).
An accepted tutorial must be organized and hosted in person at ISC 2025 in Hamburg, Germany.
ISC will promote the tutorials as part of the regular conference publicity activities. However, it is recommended that tutorial organizers use their own channels to further attract attendees to their events.
Tutorials will not be streamed or recorded.
rooms and breaks
- 8:00 am – 9:00 am Welcome coffee
- 11:00 am – 11:30 am Coffee break
- 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch break
- 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Coffee break
Registration and Promo Codes
Tutorial organizers and speakers must register for an ISC 2025 tutorial pass.
The ISC organizers will grant a 100% discount on the tutorial pass to a limited number of tutorial presenters. The number of presenters with complimentary passes is limited to six for full-day tutorials and three for half-day tutorials. Promo codes for complimentary access will be e-mailed to the presenter around mid-March.
Submission Process and deadlines
Please use the Linklings submission platform to upload the next stages.
Stage 2 – Working materials for attendees: May 28, 2025, 11:59 pm AoE
Stage 3 (optional) – Final presentation materials / slides: June 13, 2025 via Linklings (afterwards request to program-support(at)isc-events.com)
Please read the presentation material section below.
Presentation materials upload
All materials submitted will be available to registered tutorial participants within the ISC event platform. Please upload your working materials for tutorial attendees, like slides, handouts, etc., via Linklings by May 28, 2025, at the latest. If you have additional or revised slides, you can upload them with our upload form (request to program-support(at)isc-events.com ).
Please feel free to use the ISC title slide or presentation background in your presentation materials.
Tutorial preferences of attendees
Attendees register for the tutorial day and not for a specific tutorial. They can specify their “preference” for one tutorial. These preferences should be treated with caution since most people register early to benefit from the advance fee but only make specific plans for program sessions to attend just before the conference.
The registered number of preferences for single tutorials can be obtained from the ISC organizers. Please get in touch with them. However, they cannot provide a list of participants upfront. Tutorial organizers will need to collect this data during the tutorial by asking people to fill in a sheet.
Technical Equipment
Please bring your laptop and power adapters. The tutorial rooms will include a projector, screen, sound system, lectern, board table, and Wifi connection. The room equipment does not include laptops and adapters. The slide format is 16:9, and the projector uses an HDMI connection.
If you have any special technical requirements for your presentation, please let the organizers know by May 12, 2025, at the latest. Macintosh users are asked to bring their HDMI adapters.
Travel Support
According to the Call for Tutorial, Tutorial presenters from academia may receive travel support. Travel support will be granted to a maximum of two presenters from academia for half-day tutorials and four presenters from academia for full-day tutorials. Presenters holding two half-day tutorials are treated like presenters of full-day tutorials. If you have more presenters from academia, the maximum amount will be split among the presenters. You will receive a separate e-mail about travel support.
You (or a pre-designated representative) can pick up your travel grant in cash from the check-in counter until Friday, June 13, 2 pm. The claim expires unless the fund is picked up on Friday. The counter is located on the ground floor.
Feedback / Surveys
We will collect attendee feedback on each tutorial within their page on our event platform (the “Rate this tutorial” button will take the attendee to the survey). Please remind the attendees to rate your tutorial. The more often you remind them, the likelier they will rank your presentation.
Our feedback slide with a QR code can be included in your presentation.
The invited program will be held from Tuesday, June 10, through Thursday, June 12, 2025 in Hall Z (third floor) and Hall 4 (ground floor).
ISC 2025 is planned as an in-person conference. The speaker must be present onsite. For unforeseen circumstances that would prevent the chosen speaker from attending the event, the speaker is responsible for finding an alternative speaker that can present in person. If an alternative speaker cannot be found, please get in touch with the ISC organizers as soon as possible to discuss alternative options.
Every session will begin with a short introduction by the chair. They will then give the floor to each speaker, following the order indicated in the program. Most sessions end with a Q&A session involving all speakers.
Session Information
The session chair will monitor the timing and has the right to interrupt the presentation if the speaker exceeds their allocated time. The chair will moderate the audience questions and will close the session.
All session speakers must come to the presentation room 10 minutes before the session starts to meet the designated session chair.
For your personal presentation slot, please see the conference schedule.
Promo Codes
Chairs, moderators, speakers and panelists are eligible for complimentary registration (Tuesday – Thursday). Promo codes for complimentary passes will be provided by e-mail from the end of February.
Submission Process and Deadlines
Stage 2 – Presentation Slides: Deadline: June, 6 2025, 11:59 pm AoE
Please read the slides requirements below.
If you missed the deadline, please upload your slides in the speakers’ room (Hall D, second floor) no later than 60 minutes before your session starts. The technicians will transfer it to the presentation computer in the conference room where the session takes place.
Presentation Materials Upload
All materials submitted will be available to registered conference participants only and within the ISC event platform.
Presentation Slides Requirements:
Your presentation must be original content created explicitly for the ISC 2025 audience. It is not permitted to submit a presentation that was previously published elsewhere.
- Your presentation must be held in English
- The aspect ratio of your presentation should be 16×9
- The ISC Group title slide must be included at the start of your presentation and cover the slide fully
- The use of the ISC 2025 background is optional
- Your presentation must include your contact details
- Your presentation should be saved in PowerPoint 2019 (or lower), LibreOffice or PDF
- We cannot guarantee the correct display of company-specific fonts that may not be installed on the presentation device. To make sure your slides look their best, please use standard fonts like Arial or Times New Roman. Or, you can upload a PDF version of your PowerPoint.
Videos must be embedded in the PPT file. Please do not link to a separate video file. Most modern video formats are supported, for example all standards (.wmv, .mpg, *.avi), that can be played from standard MS Windows 10 installed computers with Windows Media Player. Additionally, MOV, DivX, MPEG-4 und H.264 video formats can be played, too.
Macintosh users are requested to bring an already converted version of their presentation.
Submission Step-by-Step Instructions
Invited Talks
HPC Around the World
Technical Equipment
The conference rooms include a projector, a screen, microphones, a presentation computer (with MS Office, LibreOffice, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Firefox), Wi-Fi, and wired Internet access.
Please use the presentation computer provided in the room for technical and efficiency reasons.
If you need to present from your laptop and have any special technical requirements, please let us know by Monday, May 12, 2025, at the latest. If you are a Macintosh user, please bring your HDMI adapter.
- Tuesday:
- 3:40 pm – 3:55 pm: Hall Z, Hall 4, Hall F
- Wednesday:
- 10:25 am – 10:40 am: Hall Z, Hall 4, Hall F
- 3:40 pm – 3:55 pm: Hall Z, Hall 4, Hall F
- Thursday:
- 10:25 am – 10:40 am: Hall Z, Hall 4, Hall F
The vendor program will be held from Tuesday, June 10, through Thursday, June 12, 2025 in Hall 4 (ground floor), the Exhibition Hall H (ground floor) and Hall Z (third floor).
The vendor program includes the following formats:
- Vendor Roadmaps (platinum)
- Vendor Showdown (platinum, gold, silver)
- HPC Solutions Forum (bronze, silver, gold)
- First-time Exhibitor Pitch (first-time exhibitors at ISC 2025)
- Online Innovation Showcase (release Monday, May 26; option available for purchase)
ISC 2025 is planned as an in-person conference. The speaker must be present onsite. For unforeseen circumstances that would prevent the chosen speaker from attending the event, the speaker/company is responsible for finding an alternative speaker that can present in person. If an alternative speaker cannot be found, please get in touch with the ISC organizers as soon as possible to discuss alternative options.
Session Information
Every session will begin with a short introduction by the moderator. They will then give the floor to each speaker, following the order indicated in the program.
The session moderator will monitor the timing and has the right to interrupt the presentation if the speaker exceeds their allocated time. The moderator will moderate the audience questions and will close the session.
We ask all speakers to be present 10 minutes before the session starts. This allows the moderator to confirm that the session runs smoothly.
For your personal presentation slot, please see the conference schedule.
All speakers in the Vendor Program must be registered with an Exhibition Pass or Conference Pass. Speakers in the Vendor Program will not be provided with a promo code. Please purchase a pass or allot a pass from the complimentary passes included in your sponsorship package.
When registering, please select “I will be attending as: Exhibitor & Speaker.”
It’s crucial to use the submission email address from your Linklings submission for both your event registration and our event platform.
Promote your Presentation
We offer so-called social cards with which you can promote your presentation. Feel free to use these.
submission process and deadlines
Stage 2
- Vendor Showdown – Presentation Slides: Deadline: May 7, 2025
- Online Innovation Showcase – Video: Deadline: May 12, 2025
- Vendor Roadmaps – Presentation Slides: Deadline: June 6, 2025
- HPC Solutions Forum – Presentation Slides: Deadline: June 6, 2025
Please read the slides requirements below.
If you missed the deadline, please upload your slides in the speakers’ room (Hall D, second floor) no later than 60 minutes before your session starts. The technicians will transfer it to the presentation computer in the conference room where the session takes place.
Presentation materials upload
All materials submitted will be available to registered conference participants only and within the ISC event platform.
Presentation Slides Requirements:
Your presentation must be original content created explicitly for the ISC 2025 audience. It is not permitted to submit a presentation that was previously published elsewhere.
- Your presentation must be held in English
- The aspect ratio of your presentation should be 16×9
- The ISC Group title slide must be included at the start of your presentation and cover the slide fully
- The use of the ISC 2025 background is optional
- Your presentation must include your contact details
- Your presentation should be saved in PowerPoint 2019 (or lower) or PDF
We cannot guarantee the correct display of company-specific fonts that may not be installed on the presentation device. To make sure your slides look their best, please use standard fonts like Arial or Times New Roman. Or, you can upload a PDF version of your PowerPoint.
Videos must be embedded in the PPT file. Please do not link to a separate video file. Most modern video formats are supported, for example all standards (.wmv, .mpg, *.avi), that can be played from standard MS Windows 10 installed computers with Windows Media Player. Additionally, MOV, DivX, MPEG-4 und H.264 video formats can be played, too.
Macintosh users are requested to bring an already converted version of their presentation.
Submission Step-by-step Instructions
Vendor Roadmaps
Vendor Showdown
HPC Solutions Forum
First-time Exhibitor Pitch
Online Innovation Showcase
Technical equipment

Conference Program Manager
Conference Program Manager