June 10-12, 2025

WHPC Poster Chair
Ayesha Afzal, Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center (NHR@FAU), Germany
The WHPC poster session at ISC is dedicated to women and individuals from underrepresented groups who are students or are in the early stages of their HPC careers, typically within the first five years post-graduation or via a career transition into high performance computing.

Submission Deadline
MAR 5, 2025
Notification of Acceptance
All Dates
MAY 19, 2025 11:59 PM AOE
Final Poster due
JUN 11, 2025 1:00-1:15 PM
Poster Pitch
JUN 11, 2025 2:15-4:15 PM
Poster Reception
JUn 10-12, 2025
WHPC Poster on Display
Successful submissions to this session offer unique advantages:
- Mentorship Support: You will receive guidance and support in polishing your poster and presentation.
- Lightning Talk Opportunity: Showcase your work on stage during the Poster Pitch Session, gaining valuable exposure.
- Best Women in HPC Poster Award: The Best Women in HPC Poster Award certificate will be given to the most outstanding poster selected by the WHPC posters committee.
- Webinar showcasing WHPC Poster submissions: A virtual WHPC webinar will be held to showcase all submissions and allow all ISC submitters, both successful and unsuccessful, to practice lightning talk.
- WHPC Travel Fellowships: Two travel grants, each worth £3,000 (approximately €3,500), are available to successful authors who would otherwise be unable to attend the conference.
For guidance on preparing and delivering your presentation, please refer to our Speaker Manual, which provides all necessary details for your upcoming contribution at ISC.
Poster topics can encompass a range of themes, from technical to non-technical subjects. Examples include early research and projects, reproducibility, career experiences, diversity and inclusion in HPC, and more. Notably, several participants who debuted their posters in our session have gone on to present in the prestigious ISC Project and Research Poster categories.
The ISC 2025 WHPC Volunteer Committee will thoughtfully review the submitted poster proposals.
- Your posters must be portrait orientation, DIN A0 (841 mm × 1189 mm), and submitted in high resolution to ensure readability (e.g., 2384 px × 3370 px at 72 dpi).
- The poster draft needs to have the title, author’s information, and a maximum file size of 10 MB.
- The submissions require an abstract (maximum 500 words), a representative draft of your final poster, and a CV (PDF or DOC).
Please note: The opportunities mentioned will be communicated directly to successful applicants. If your submission is successful, the ISC 2025 WHPC Volunteer Committee will contact you with comprehensive information and further details.
Review Process
- The ISC 2025 WHPC Poster Committee will review all submissions.
- Each poster is expected to receive a minimum of 3 reviewers. Poster reviews are single-blind: reviewers will see author names, but authors will not see reviewer names.
- Posters will be evaluated based on topic relevance, poster aesthetics, as well as originality, quality and clarity of results.
- The research posters will be displayed from Tuesday, June 10, through Thursday, June 12, 2025.
- By submitting a research poster, you agree that one of the authors will present the work in person at ISC 2025 in Hamburg, Germany.
- Each submitter is allowed to present only one poster onsite. You are welcome to be a co-author but not a presenter for additional poster submissions.
- ISC will grant one author a 50% discount on the conference pass per accepted poster.
- Every accepted research poster will have a concise lightning talk (one minute) within a poster pitch to capture the audience’s interest. The poster reception with snacks and drinks will give special attention to the posters and allow maximum interaction between poster authors and participants. Poster authors must be present at their poster during the entire reception.
- Travel, accommodation, registration fees for other authors, and other such expenses will not be covered by the ISC organizers.
PDF versions of the WHPC posters will be published on the event platform for registered attendees.
ISC 2025 Research Poster Committee
- Sadaf Alam, University of Bristol, United Kingdom (Chair)
- Tanzima Islam, Texas State University, United States of America (Deputy Chair)
- Ayesha Afzal, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU), Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center (NHR@FAU), Germany
- Shaikh Arifuzzaman, University of Nevada, United States of America
- Samar Aseeri, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
- Lilit Axner, EuroHPC JU, Luxembourg
- Allison H. Baker, NCAR, United States of America
- Fabio Banchelli, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
- Rita Borgo, King's College London, United Kingdom
- Kalina Borkiewicz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), United States of America
- Aurelien Bouteiller, The University ot Tennessee, Innovative Computing Lab., United States of America
- Nick Brown, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC), The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Jerry Chou, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
- Lois Curfman McInnes, ANL, United States of America
- Thomas Fahringer, University of Innsbruck, Austria
- Marta Garcia, BSC, Spain
- Xu Guo, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC), United Kingdom
- Aleksandar Ilic, INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa; Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Nusrat Islam, AMD, United States of America
- Niclas Jansson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Andreas Kloeckner, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States of America
- Andreas Knuepfer, Technische Universität Dresden, ZIH, Germany
- Rika Kobayashi, Australian National University, Australia
- Zhiling Lan, Illinois Institute of Technology, United States of America
- Johannes Langguth, Simula Research Laboratory, University of Bergen, Norway
- Jay Lofstead, Sandia National Laboratories, University of New Mexico, United States of America
- Hatem Ltaief, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
- Jakob Luettgau, Inria, France
- Sabine Mehr, GENCI, HQI, France
- Carla Osthoff, National Laboratory of Scientific Computing, Brazil
- Michael Ott, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Germany
- Guray Ozen, NVIDIA, Germany
- Heidi Poxon, Cray Inc, United States of America
- Kento Sato, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, United States of America
- Naw Safrin Sattar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States of America
- Osman Seckin Simsek, University of Basel, Switzerland
- Suyash Tandon, AMD, University of Michigan, United States of America
- Christian Terboven, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
- Ana-Lucia Varbanescu, University of Twente, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Marion Weinzierl, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom